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Welcome to Zuidoost 020!
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Welcome to Zuidoost 020!
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1. Management

The website www.zuidoost020.nl is managed by Zuidoost 020

Zuidoost 020

2. Visitors data

Some data resulting from one or more visits to www.zuidoost020.nl are stored permanently, but anonymously. The data can therefore never be traced back to a person or organization. Zuidoost 020 ensures proper security of the stored data. The personal information you share with Zuidoost 020 will never be shared, sold or given to third parties in any form whatsoever.

3. Cookies

The Zuidoost 020 website uses cookies. These are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer's hard drive.
You can decide for yourself how to handle cookies. You can set your browser to allow, disallow or partially allow the use of functional cookies. In the latter case, you can set which websites are allowed to place functional cookies. It will then be banned on all other websites.

This option is provided by the most common modern browsers. Cookies can always be removed from a computer via the browser. Zuidoost 020 uses functional cookies to optimize the functionality of certain pages of the website. Zuidoost 020 uses analytics cookies that anonymously process the surfing behavior of large numbers of visitors, not individuals, into graphs and patterns that help us to improve and optimize our website. To be able to easily share the content of our website with others by means of buttons, Zuidoost 020 uses social media cookies from the social media parties, so that various social media parties can recognize you.

For the cookies that the social media parties place when clicking the buttons and the data that can be collected with this, we refer to the statement of Facebook and Instagram. Your permission is required for the use of these cookies. Tracking cookies are used to collect information about your surfing behavior on our website, so that we can analyze our website and continue to improve it. In addition, we also use these cookies for advertising purposes. Your permission is required for the use of these cookies. Zuidoost 020 does not use profiling cookies and affiliate cookies.

We use Google reCAPTCHA on our website to protect our forms from spam and abuse. reCAPTCHA works by collecting hardware and software information, such as device and application data, and sending these data to Google for analysis. By using our website and submitting forms, you acknowledge and agree that your data may be processed by Google for the purposes of reCAPTCHA. For more information, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

4. Questions

Visitors can contact Zuidoost 020 with any questions about this privacy policy
Contact details:
Zuidoost 020

5. Disclaimer

Zuidoost 020 is entitled to change the content of the Privacy Policy without informing the visitor. Implementing the change on the website is sufficient for this.
The privacy policy for customers is an addition to the privacy policy for visitors and applies to anyone who places an order with Zuidoost 020

1. Information provided by the customer Zuidoost 020 can use the data provided by the customer for the following purposes:
- processing the order
- sending one or more e-mails related to the ordered item(s). All our mailings comply with the opt-in policy, which means that you must choose to receive information from us. Apart from e-mails directly related to your orders, Zuidoost 020 will not send unsolicited e-mails.

2. Providing data to third parties The personal information you share with Zuidoost 020 will never be shared, sold or given to third parties in any form whatsoever, beyond what is necessary to ship the order. This also applies to your sales history with us. An exception to these rules is when a court order has been issued to provide data.

3. Security The data that the customer provides to Zuidoost 020 is stored in a secure environment. When you place an order, the information you provide to us is secured with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology. SSL encrypts your data so that only the Zuidoost 020 server can decrypt it. This secure connection between your computer and our computer remains secure until you have completed your order. To know whether the connection is secure, check the link in your browser when you are on our website. If you see a closed lock or an unbroken key (depending on your broser), the SSL is working. URLs that require an SSL connection start with https: instead of http:.

4. Adjustment of Customer Information The customer has the option at all times to change the information provided. This can be done by e-mail to info@zuidoost020.nl. If you have any questions or comments regarding privacy and/or security, please send us an email at info@zuidoost020.nl.


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